Wednesday 6 June 2012

Festival fun time tips

As festival season is fast approaching I thought it would be a good idea to share some tips and tricks with you all, so that you can stay safe while having fun!

I needed a bit of expert advice from a certain pro in case I started dishing out nonsense, but I had to be sneaky... I had to become The Ninja!

Without wanting to raise suspicion as to what I was doing, I planned a covert operation in order to gather intelligence from a man who has some.

I believe that my subtle questioning worked, as I left with the information that I needed. However having to awkwardly approach tip 23 means that I can no longer look this hcp in the eye.... But I did it for you guys!

So check out the tips and links and feel free to add your own in the comments box at the end of the blog. Happy festivaling guys!!

  • Download a site map before you go
  • Choose a tent that you will recognise - bright funky colours and patterns etc
  • Buy a solar charger for your phone
  • Make yourself familiar with the first aid/welfare/meeting area as soon as you get there
  • Where possible on arrival and when departing, try to stay to the side or maybe arrive and leave a little later to avoid the crowds. Especially important when departing due to the smell of unwashed festival friends
  • Money money and more money (this is when parents come in handy!)
  • Food glorious food! (There are always shops nearby, just jump on a bus and stock up.)
  • Make plans in case you lose your mates, your funky tent, your parents money etc
  • Set reminders on your phone to test your sugars and take your insulin
  • Most first aid points are happy to store medication which needs refrigerating, but take a cool pack just in case
  • Also take a doctors note with your prescribed medication on it
  • Take ID with you and wear a MediAlert or something similar. That way if you do have a hypo, people will be able to help you and not assume that you've just had one too many
  • Stock up on hypo treatments and keep some with you at all times
  • Insulin - If on pens then talk to your diabetes team about splitting your long acting insulin (half in the morning and half at night) it in case you do accidentally forget to take it, that way you will have some protection. Check with your doctor before doing this though - just give them a call
  • Take back-up disposable insulin pens in case your pump or other pens get damaged in a mosh pit
  • Stay away from people with unnecessarily large spikes in their hair if you do get dragged into a mosh pit
  • All festivals run an on-site hospital staffed by doctors and nurses, and also include pharmacy's. These aren't NHS pharmacy's though and will charge for medication, so get a receipt and claim your parents money back for you to spend at a later date
  • Take adequate supplies as the on-site pharmacy may not have a huge amount of stock
  • Don't inject, change pump sets or test your blood sugars in the toilets - use the family areas or the site hospital
  • Think about your parents, they do worry (no matter how old you are) so give them a text every day to let them know that you're ok and that their money is being well spent!
  • Don't drink anything that you haven't opened yourself or that you have let out of your sight
  • Wear sun cream, drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun when possible (remember - heat affects insulin and may cause it to go off and it also affects insulin absorption and can cause hypos)
  • Lastly....please use condoms (unless you want to call your child "Download" or "Reading and Leeds Fest") - get them for free from your GP or GUM clinic (unfortunately they don't give out JLS branded there)
  • Oh and bulk buy baby wipes (you'll need them, trust me)

(you may want to send these links to your £ parents £)

© It's me, Laura Marie

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