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Crispy spicy chickpea salad

100 grams drained chickpeas
Vegetables of your choice
1 tbsp Olive oil
Chilli flakes
Other seasoning
Feta... just because 

Drain your chickpeas and lay them on a baking tray that has been lined with grease proof paper. Drizzle olive oil over the chickpeas and mix until fully coated. Sprinkle on chilli flakes and any other seasoning of your choice. Place in the oven and cook for 25 minutes, shaking them halfway through. Prep your veg - I like to cook mine and leave it to cool before adding it to salad leaves (I love warm salads). Sprinkle with feta, mix in the chickpeas once they're crispy and eat eat eat!

Chocolate, banana and blueberry protein pancakes

1 medium banana
50 grams natural low fat yoghurt
2 medium eggs
10 grams rolled porridge oats
1.5 scoops chocolate whey protein powder 
Olive oil
Blueberry toppings

Stick it all in a blender (or mash and mix if you don't have one) until smooth and creamy. Heat some oil in a pan and pour in the pancake mixture to make 6 lovely pancakes! Wait until they've cooled down a little and add a dollop of yoghurt and sprinkle some berries on top! Enjoy! 

Chocolate and coconut 'OMFG' brownies

150 grams coconut flour/powder
100 grams cocoa powder
4 tbsp Truvia
2 medium eggs
55 grams unsalted butter
1 tbsp syrup (2 if you like em really sweet)
vanilla extract
10 grams chopped nuts (optional)

Stick it all in a blender and mix it up! Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and pour in the mixture. Cook on 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Stick a knife in the middle when you think it might be ready. If the knife comes out with no mixture on it then you're good to go! They taste amazing warmed up.

Lean Mean Burger Machine 

6 Cherry tomatoes
1/2 Bell pepper
Salad leaves
A handful of spinach 
Feta cheese
Lean beef mince
1 medium egg
1/4 chopped onion
Seasoning (you choose)
Low fat natural yoghurt (optional)

Mix the onion, egg and beef together, season with anything you like (I went for pepper and chilli flakes), stick some feta inside the mixture and roll into a burger shape. Easy! Chop the veg and throw it all together. Put feta on top because cheese is awesome. I cooked my veg and plonked it on top of the salad when it had cooled down a little. Add some yoghurt to the top of the burger if you wish.   

Scrummy nutty snack things

This is so simple that I don't really need to write this. Rice cakes, crunchy (or smooth) peanut butter and chopped bananas. Do your thang! 

Rainbow salads

This one's quite self explanatory. Chop up a load of veg, boil eggs, drain your tuna, spiralize carrots like your life depends on it and display in an instagram worthy manner. Use balsamic vinegar and lemon juice for a sexy dressing that's much lower in calories than store bought stuff. 

Banana and strawberry flourless pancakes

1 medium banana

2 medium eggs

30 mls almond milk

1 tbsp olive oil

Berries and yoghurt toppings (optional)

Put everything in a blender apart from the toppings and blend until smooth (you can mash it all if you don't have a blender). Add 1 tsp olive oil to a frying pan and heat until hot enough to cook on. Pour the pancake mixture into the frying pan (this amount should make 4-5 medium pancakes. Put toppings on for extra yummy flavouring!


Chorizo courgetti

100 grams courgette
200 grams tinned tomatoes (chopped)
100 grams red kidney beans
A handful of spinach
10 grams feta
1 spring onion
50 grams chorizo (sliced)
1 medium egg
Seasoning (you choose)

Spiralize your courgette (be careful not to spiralize your finger like I did!), chop your onion and drain your kidney beans. Cook the chorizo, kidney beans, onion, spinach and tomatoes in a pan and season it (if you want to). Once cooked, make a little dip in the middle and crack an egg into it. Keep it on a low heat until the egg has cooked al the way through. Whilst you're waiting for the egg to cook, microwave the courgetti for 2 minutes and place on a paper towel to soak up the moisture. Dish it up and add the delicious feta on top!

© It's me, Laura Marie

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