Sunday 28 July 2013

Am I in charge when DKA strikes?

Catching a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror last night I stopped and did a double take. I was shocked to see how different I looked. My usually bright and sparkly blue/grey eyes looked dull and heavy, the skin under my eyes was dark and sunken and the rest of my face was pale and washed out. I looked burned out and realised, as if seeing my refection was confirmation, that I was ready, once again, to give up on the day. It was 7pm.

The previous week I had been in hospital for 5 days with DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis). It had only been 2 months since my last admission with DKA and it was the last thing I was expecting, because 2 weeks prior to my admission had been a diabetes dream. My blood sugars had barely been out of my target range (5-10 mmol/L) and the heat wave hadn't caused me any issues with hypos at all. I was content, relaxed and finally feeling like everything was falling into place. 

This recent admission was much like my previous one in May (find that story here). I was vomiting constantly and although my sugars weren't particularly high, my ketones were rising. I was admitted to hospital at 9pm; however it wasn't until 12 hours later that I was put on a sliding scale. 

I'd been told in A&E that I would need to manage my insulin pump and adjust my insulin according to my blood sugar levels. This meant making decisions about how much to increase my temporary basal rates by, how long for and how many units of insulin I should take as a corrective dose. This meant making those decisions whilst on the verge of DKA (or maybe even in DKA at that point), whilst absolutely exhausted, whilst scared and confused. This meant that I could have easily given myself too much or too little insulin, which in my state would have been very dangerous as I couldn't focus on how my body felt. I was then moved to the Medical Assessment Unit where I was told to carry on with what I was doing with my pump, but at that point I had no idea what I was doing. I was so tired I couldn't function - I was very much out of my comfort zone as regards managing the pump.

The next morning I was still vomiting and had been all night. One of the nurses from the diabetes team came to see me and alerted my consultant who came in straight away. He ordered a sliding scale to be put up as my ketones were being caused by the fact that I couldn't keep food or fluids down. Within an hour or two my ketones were lowering and the vomiting had stopped. I was so grateful that my consultant had been there as I was becoming so desperate that I considered leaving. I didn't feel safe at all. 

My sliding scale had been taken down before I'd even attempted to eat anything and I'd been told I could go if I was well enough. I was so desperate to leave (for many reasons) that I went when I should have stayed. This resulted in me coming back in the next morning - straight back into the same room with vomiting, high blood sugars and high ketones. This time it took three hours before any fluids or a sliding scale were put up, despite me explaining that they only way to get rid of the ketones was with a sliding scale. I was asked the same questions that I had been two days before. Had I eaten anything that might have caused the vomiting, had I been around children, what are my blood sugars usually like, how do I manage my pump...? I answered, through tears, and repeated myself over and over again. Finally the sliding scale was set up and finally the vomiting stopped. 

I felt that my insulin pump was being used in place of a sliding scale. I felt that I was being relied upon to treat myself when I was in no fit state to do so. I felt that unless my diabetes team were nearby then I would have been better off at home. 

My consultant was away on the day of my second admission but had phoned to say he was worried and asked one of his colleagues to check on me. Another diabetes consultant came in and reassured me that if I needed anything at all then to ask someone to call the diabetes team who would assist me, then a diabetes nurse came in, then another consultant. Each time I felt more relaxed and looked after, I just wish that 24/7 care was in place and they could have been there from the start.

Last night I gave up on the day at around 7pm, which was fine because I could start over today. I just hope that I still have the energy to carry on if I have another admission, because if last week is anything to go by... I'll need it.

Ninja x 
© It's me, Laura Marie

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